Why We Love What We Do

One of the greatest things about pets is that they provide unconditional love. They are there to listen but they never judge you. In fact a recent study found that nursing home residents felt less lonely when visited regularly by a dog than with regular visitors from a person! Pets are also great for social conversations. People are more likely to approach and ask questions to a person walking their pet.

For stress relief, pets have a remarkable effect on their owners. Women who suffered from anxiety where three times less likely to have an attack when their dog or cat was present. Pets actually reduce blood pressure. ACE inhibitors (the medication taken for elevated blood pressure) are not as effective on stress and anxiety related spikes in blood pressure as pets are.

With all the positive aspects of owning a pet it's easy to forget that a pet comes with a certain degree of work and responsibility. Taking care of a pet means the owner must have some time available for their care. Pets need food, shelter, health care and stimulation.

Cinnamon Sugafoot
Chester Socks
Felix Thunder Paws
Sales Associate
Sassy Brat Kat